December 27, 2007

Talendijaht" finaal on otse-eetris 30. detsembri õhtul.

"Seal on eelnevatest saadetest finaali pääsenud ligemale 30 etteastet esimest korda elava publiku ees ja suurel laval, mis on kindlasti hoopis teine tera kui videosalvestatud juppides oma hinnangut kätte saada. Ning finaalis on saatus puhtalt televaatajate kätes. žürii on küll kohal ja esindatud, aga kohtuotsuseid enam ei langeta."

Nii et kõik kes Simole kaasa elavad telefonid pihku ja hääletama :)

December 26, 2007

December 19, 2007

December 18, 2007

December 13, 2007

December 10, 2007

LOITS - Must Album
Published: 2007.11.24

Nailboard (2007)

Talking about the genuine originality in black metal, Loits is a name worth to be mentioned. Two of their latest albums, Ei kahetse midagi and Vere kutse kohustab are a good examples of something that still gives cold shivers to the listener's spine, no matter how many great black metal records you have heard during your life.

"Must album" ("The Black Album") is truly something different from this classy Estonian metal patrol. Their music has previously been a mid-tempo black metal with a rocking touch, spiced up by some keyboards and folkish melodies, but with "Must album" the band shows its mellow side. Their music might be softer than before, but it's also filled with lots of dynamics. From the haunting and eerie atmospheres to grinding, Khold/Tulus-alike coldness, they bring forth some of the most original music ever heard in the field of heavy metal.

Difficult, that's the word to describe what "Must album" is. Loits' musical borderlines are stretching more than ever, but without challenging yourself, you can't make an art that deserves to be heard, right? If "Vere kutse kohustab" was a display of the band's aggressive side, "Must album" is the other side of the very same coin. It looks different but it still holds its value.

Composed by Joni Juutilainen

December 09, 2007

December 07, 2007

December 06, 2007

December 05, 2007

Oh Sylvester

Kui kuskil köidikutes väänleb mõni neiu
Või kuskil tunnelis plahvatab pomm
On mõelda hea, et ta pääseb
On hea mõelda, et lootust veel on
On lootust veel- jeee

December 03, 2007